Friday, September 11, 2009

May We Never Forget

My eight year old and I were talking about 9/11 today. I was sharing with him my experience of that terrible day and I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion.  I had forgotten how horrified and shocked I was by everything.   Many changes had come into my life.  I was a new mom, my firstborn was only 4 months old and I had become a full time homemaker.  My husband had just started a new job and he had left for work that morning just after we watched a 2nd plane hit another tower.  I remember holding my sweet little boy, tears pouring down my face - terrified by what his future might hold.
Everyone has their own story of what they were doing on 9/11, but I was very saddened today, eight years later, when I realized that I was forgetting -  and I am ashamed.
So, this post is written in honor of all those who died on that day and for all of those who have died since, fighting to keep us free.

May God bless all of those who have lost loved ones in this fight.


Tales of Whimsy said...

What a beautiful thing to do. Thank you. My husband and I were just talking about where we were. I still tear up when I think of alll those people who lost someone.

Mary E Campbell said...

Thanks for your comment Juju. Yes, thoughts of that day still has the ability to stir strong emotions.