Monday, May 17, 2010

Big Days Ahead

A couple of big days are coming up for me. Pegasus 2010, my school's literary magazine, comes out this Thursday, featuring two of my poems (The Jester King's Court and Open Eyes). There will be a reading after school that day and I'm super excited. June 5th is the annual Teen Writer's Conference in Ogden. Once again they're doing their writing contest and I'm entered in it. I came in 2nd last year and I'm eager to see how I do this year.

As for the editing of my novel, I've moved on to doing little nit picky edits, change a word here, reword a sentence there, add a paragraph over there. Unfortunately, the end of the tunnel is far away, but progress is progress no matter what speed.

And one more thing before I forget, Jessica Day George's new book "Princess of Glass" comes out on the 25th, that's only 8 short days away. She's amazing and you will absolutely adore her books. If you haven't read any of them before, there's still time before the 25th. You'll love 'em, I guarantee it.

Okay, that's all. Happy Writing!

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