Friday, April 3, 2009


We had our first meeting and I think it was a success. Five out of the seven showed. It was a dreary snowy evening so it did require dedication and better communication (on my part) for everyone to come. It was a planning meeting more than anything, but a few people brought some of their writing to share. Tawnni our teenager shared a vivid poem called "Gardens After Dark."
Jenny had the great beginnings of a children story and I read the first 13 lines from my two WIPs. I read on Orson Scott Card's website that he feels that most people know if they want to continue reading a book just from the first 13 lines. I think everyone liked mine. It was a rough draft so it will probably change anyway - I just wanted to see if I was on the right track.
Our group so far has seven women - all of whom are amazing. I can't wait for our next group to see what incredible things will be written over the month of April.


Andrea Sheets said...

I love it! Hannah went to change it over, but we liked what you had already done. I think your first post should be the shower story. Also, have you ever checked ? It's NeiNei's sister and she's actually the serious writer out of the two. I think you will really like her.

Tawnni Jensen said...

Awesome job with the blog Mary. I showed it to my writer pal Sariah and she said it was so cool. By the way, can someone tell me how I post things? I got stuck in a time machine, I'm really from the late 1700s, so technologie and I don't get along very well.